Matt McCormick , SVP
Business and Corporate Development , ThreatQuotient , tells us why CIOs should now consider managed security services to help address their security needs .
For years we ’ ve been talking
about the skills shortage that plagues the cybersecurity industry which some reports now peg at three million and growing . Organisations lack trained , experienced resources in many areas including expertise in management and monitoring of the infrastructure protecting an environment , incident responders , threat intelligence analysts , security operations engineers and even security leadership .
These gaps increase cybersecurity risk for organisations and their key stakeholders , including customers , employees , business partners and shareholders .
No group feels the impact more every single day than an organisation ’ s cybersecurity team . Enterprise Strategy Group ( ESG ) recently surveyed cybersecurity professionals and Information Systems Security Association members about their experiences on the job .
The report , The Life and Times of Cybersecurity Professionals 2018 , concludes
The time is now for outsourced security services
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