Intelligent CIO North America Issue 13 | Page 82


Infiltrate , adapt , repeat : A look at tomorrow ’ s malware landscape

Brook Chelmo , Software and Security Product Marketing Strategist at SonicWall , tells us the possible reasons for the growth in the varieties of new malware that were detected and featured in the SonicWall 2021 Cyberthreat Report .

What would you think if I told you that malware attacks are down , but new variants of malware are up ? According to the SonicWall 2021 Cyberthreat

Report , malware attacks are down from their high three years ago , showing an overall drop of 43 % in 2020 .
Despite that sounding like great news , SonicWall found a 73 % increase in new and updated strains of malware that couldn ’ t have been caught by traditional defenses that rely on static definitions .
With the way things are going , we expect this trend to continue in the near future . But why is this happening – and what does it mean ? I believe the threat landscape is as active as it is because of many new entrants to the game and faster development .
New entrants
In my research for my RSA talk on how the youngest generation is learning to hack , I found that the TV show Mr Robot has created many fans who all want to learn how to hack . These youngsters are approaching the subject at a young age and have more resources available to them when compared to previous generations .
There are many safe places for them to test their skills , like ‘ Hack the Box ’, but over time they want to test new skills on real companies . The more responsible ones will
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