Intelligent CIO North America Issue 23 | Page 33


The US is facing a growing labor shortage that threatens everything from our summer vacations to the country ’ s long term economic prosperity . Of course , this situation isn ’ t unique to the US , many countries around the world are battling similar challenges .

However , in the US , the Pew Research Center ( PRC ) reported that : “ The nation ’ s quit rate reached a 20- year high last November .”
PRC ’ s findings agreed with what is being broadly reported by countless other sources . The pandemic , which dramatically changed how virtually the whole world worked , learned and lived , led people across every industry and pay-grade to step-back and re-evaluate .
Those that decided that their job no longer supported how they measured personal and career satisfaction joined what is now known as the continuing Great Resignation .
So , what can an enterprise do to tackle the skills shortage ? PRC ’ s survey findings offer a cheat sheet of sorts .
It is not surprising that along with pay and opportunities for advancement , job flexibility came in at the top of the priority list .
Over the past couple of years , we have proven that not only does a flexible work-from-anywhere model support the same level of work and results , but in many cases it actually improves outcomes . ( Don ’ t just take my word for it . Google ‘ Why job flexibility improves performance ’ and you will be greeted by a plethora of articles that support this statement .)
Certainly , one of the biggest challenges in supporting a work from anywhere arrangement is that of ensuring data
It is not surprising that along with pay and opportunities for advancement , job flexibility came in at the top of the priority list .
and operations security . When people were first sent home virtually overnight to work , many organizations were forced to depend upon their virtual private networks ( VPNs ) for network access and security and learned the hard way that VPNs were not up to the task .
VPNs simply were not designed or intended for the way we work today . External and internal bad actors continue to exploit inherent vulnerabilities in VPNs . ( Again , a quick Google search will serve up today ’ s most notable and public VPN breaches .)
There is an answer to the VPN dilemma . It is a new and reliable approach to networking connectivity – the Software Defined Perimeter ( SDP ).
This approach enables organizations to build a secure software-defined perimeter and use Zero Trust Network Access ( ZTNA ) tunnels to seamlessly connect all applications , servers , IoT devices and users behind any symmetric network address translation ( NAT ) to any full cone NAT : without having to reconfigure networks or set up complicated and problematic VPNs .
With an SDP ensuring safe and easy network access , not only are organizations freed from geographical recruitment limitations , but by offering work from anywhere benefits , they will enjoy a dramatic increase in their ability to attract and retain the highest caliber employees .
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