Intelligent CIO North America Issue 26 | Page 34

What also became crystal clear during this time was that there is a great deal more to DEX than simply providing workers with online communication tools .

Tom Smith , Bestselling Author and Co-Founder , Partners In Leadership , summed it up well when he stated , ‘ Leadership is the ability to facilitate movement in the needed direction and have people feel good about it .’ Indeed , this statement also speaks to the importance of improving the digital employee experience ( DEX ).

The COVID pandemic certainly demonstrated in no uncertain terms the criticality of DEX . From businesses to government , the ability to communicate was crucial for maintaining operations .
Zoom , Google Meet and Microsoft teams were just a few of the dozens of video conferencing services millions of people around the world turned to when we were forced to stay home to help stop the spread .
However , what also became crystal clear during this time was that there is a great deal more to DEX than simply providing workers with online communication tools .
Unfortunately , the COVID pandemic also demonstrated that there are always bad actors ready to exploit an already horrific situation . Ransomware attacks exploded during the pandemic , a trend that continues today with recent reports indicating that in Q1 2022 ransomware detections doubled over the total 2021 volume .
Today , tools that enable employees to defend themselves , to detect early signs of intrusion , protect their data and ensure on-going safe and secure operations – from anywhere – is another key to DEX .
What ’ s required are complete ransomware defense and detection solutions that encompasses onpremise , remote and cloud protection .
The ideal solutions to ensure maximum DEX should offer a seamless one-click backup and ransomware protection experience with global cloud footprint options to minimize latency and facilitate seamless adherence with local data regulations .
The easier we make it for our workforce ( and consequently , our organizations ) to avoid the time and expense of successful ransomware attacks , the better their employee experience – leading to happier , more engaged employees that are more productive and dedicated to your organization ’ s bottom-line objectives .
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