Intelligent CIO North America Issue 28 | Page 33


With the Great Resignation in full swing , a global survey by PwC suggests one in five workers globally are planning to quit in 2022 ; 71 % cite pay as a key reason and over two-thirds say they are seeking more fulfillment in the workplace .

It ’ s also at times like this that our CIO community realizes the advantages of peer-to-peer collaboration – many CIOs are sharing strategies to look within and listen to their people to give new meaning to work , strengthen teams and support individuals .
As tech specialists have become increasingly valuable and are looking for new lucrative opportunities , sourcing quality talent remains one of the biggest challenges for CIOs in a tech labour shortage .
Leaders who are prepared to be as transparent as possible and introduce flexibility and support for workers will be the winners . Some key areas to focus on include :
Recently , reports of Facebook and Google ’ s hiring freezes and tech business cutbacks have sobered the mood , with workers more fearful for their job security . Meanwhile , the quiet resignation is equally on managers ’ minds as workers reassess their priorities to choose not to live to work or to work beyond capacity or in multiple roles .
As the expanding CIO role includes managing the changing tech environment as well as managing tech talent , leading by example couldn ’ t be more relevant right now . This means sharpening the lens on all things WFA ( working from anywhere ) – related – flexibility and remote work , training , reskilling and career development , and creating diverse and successful teams .
Management of the remote or hybrid workforce has been a steep learning curve for us all in terms of engaging with workers and implementing key strategies for retention . As with any peaks in resignations , there is no magic bullet to stop the flow , but this is a time that business and department leaders must actively engage with workers in new ways to show they care , to motivate them and understand that it ’ s the little things that make a difference .
• Connecting the top and bottom of business and getting managers back to the floor to understand what a career in tech means in 2022 .
• Being open with goals – This means not confining goals to the boardroom , but sharing openly and communicating widely across all facets of the company ecosystem .
• Offering flexible working – Critical to allow workers some flexibility to build roles around their lifestyles where possible .
• Training and reskilling – Looking within to find talent and reskilling can benefit the worker and the business , as well as training and fast-tracking for career growth opportunities .
• Prioritize well-being and purpose – Keeping workers happy and energised , and showing you invest in staff and a healthy working culture will keep them .
The open job market will continue to be challenging as tech roles expand in scope and job expectations rise .
CIOs will need to rely on their soft skills and emotional intelligence to lead teams , keep work interesting and build a strong supporting team who share these values .
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