Intelligent CIO North America Issue 30 | Page 21

LATEST INTELLIGENCE port on the public network , it is a port that is open to enable file sharing .
This allowed attackers to gain access to the server by infecting one workstation on the local network . ways to harden their servers without shutting down critical services . There is no silver bullet to stop a server from being compromised , but there are some steps you can take that will massively reduce the risk of your server being compromised .
The attackers gained access to a workstation through various sources including poor personal firewall management and a user opening a Microsoft Office document that contained malware .
Unfortunately , over the last five years , the EternalBlue exploit was not the only case where we have seen servers attacked . SolarWinds Orion , the Microsoft Exchange vulnerability , and Log4J are just a few other examples . IT and security professionals need to find
At ThreatLocker our aim is to keep businesses safe and secure with our unique endpoint security solutions . We want to help you work smart and strengthen your security infrastructure from the ground up .
Throughout this guide , you ’ ll find top tips and best practices to help you better protect your business , learn more about the ThreatLocker solutions and how to harden your Windows Servers securely . p
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