Intelligent CIO North America Issue 31 | Page 38


‘‘ business

Rethinking IT infrastructure is key to achieving better business outcomes – from increasing employee productivity and engagement , to reducing capital and real estate operating costs , and more . and many organizations are already looking to change the physical layouts , forms , and size of their offices to reflect this , as well as to foster open communication and a collaborative culture .
Judging by Leesman ’ s results , offices are likely to become smaller in the future . Therefore , organizations must improve workspace organization and flexibility with flex-desking , assigned days , and tighter tools for room booking ( supported by an increasing number of IoT devices and measurement systems ).
There is also a difference in attitude between office workers and hybrid workers on fixed computing equipment , with more office workers than hybrid workers selecting this IT feature as important ( 37 %). As for mobile computing , more hybrid workers than office workers find this IT feature important ( 70 %).
Delivering smaller offices and increased workplace mobility
Mobility has also become one of the most desired factors for employees in today ’ s work environment –
At the same time , more organizations are investing in quieter and smaller rooms for working alone or in pairs , increased Wi-Fi network connectivity for the office , and mobile computing equipment .
Replacing fixed computers with mobile equipment
CIOs must also understand which aspects of technology have grown or decreased in importance . According to Leesman ’ s data , employees are dissatisfied with fixed computing equipment in the office ( considering it to be slow and out of date ), and IT infrastructure also seems insufficient compared to home working settings .
In light of this , CIOs should consider whether fixed IT features are necessary for their business and whether they should be replaced with mobile equipment . This may also bring with it a need to review network speed and quality .
Rethinking IT infrastructure for better business operations
Leesman ’ s findings make it clear that the redesigned office of the future will benefit from a far more advanced wireless infrastructure to support the full range of devices , users , and platforms and to enable work-from-anywhere mobility .
Rethinking IT infrastructure is key to achieving better business outcomes – from increasing employee productivity and engagement , to reducing capital and real estate operating costs , and more .
Build an optimal hybrid experience
Aruba has always maintained that as ‘ people move , networks must follow ’. Job satisfaction and performances may improve if organizations better support an optimal hybrid experience that sees the office as a mobile and evolving working space and the network as a key enabler to be an employee satisfaction and performance multiplier . p
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