Founded in 1907 , Retraites Populaires ’ mission is to facilitate access to pensions for all , while controlling long-term commitments and investing funds in a sustainable and socially responsible manner .
Its focus is on four key pillars : individual savings and pensions , loans , real estate and rental , and occupational pensions . Retraites Populaires accompanies its clients every step of the way , supporting individuals , companies and institutions with timely insight and individualized guidance via its team of professional advisors and the Retraites Populaires platform .
The challenge – data center transformation
Engineered , managed and regularly enhanced via its own internal team of developers , Retraites Populaires boasts its own software platform designed to support the requirements of its internal users , as well as enable its clients to enjoy an easy to navigate yet sophisticated digital experience individualized to their specific financial and insurance needs .
Twice a year , Retraites Populaires rolls-out a new release of its software platform . In addition to advancing its functionality , its focus is also on ensuring optimum performance , data protection and security . Retraites Populaires employs more than 10 environments to test , prior to each release . And it maintains multiple data centers to support its backup and Disaster Recovery ( DR ) requirements , as well as to help ensure it can recover quickly from a ransomware attack . In addition , in order to support these goals , Retraites Populaires upgrades its overall IT infrastructure approximately every five years .
For this refresh , Retraites Populaires would be moving production and archive data , made up of customer information including PII , and back-office intelligence including documentation of all business processes , accumulated over the past 18 years into its new NetApp environment .
The solution
“ At Retraites Populaires we recognize that sticking with older technologies can inhibit business agility , productivity , and process efficiency , preventing our organization from achieving its objectives . In addition , outdated or unsupported technologies are oftentimes more vulnerable to cyberattacks ,” said Daniel Pizzolante ,
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