Intelligent CIO North America Issue 36 | Page 58

CASE STUDY by making your company ’ s total commitment to security clear and observable , you can stand out from competitors as their safest and most reliable choice . If you are doing it right , you should want to demonstrably showcase the security processes you have in place for new prospects .
Evolving our layered security technology stack
As a best practice , our firm has annual ( if not more frequent ) discussions about the cybersecurity improvements we plan to target and implement . It speaks to the strong support our IT department receives that I have never had any security request rejected – whether a ‘ must have ’ upgrade or a ‘ nice to have ’ enhancement . I joined The Colony Group a few years ago and each year since then we have iteratively modernized our security stack with tools that not only enhance security but better safeguard our team members ’ productivity .
Given the sensitive financial and personal data in our systems , shifting to an encryption solution with strong device management capabilities and audit-grade reporting was a top priority .
Soon after I joined the company , we implemented BeachheadSecure for its cloud-based managed data encryption and remote access control capabilities , which actively ensure that all client data accessible across our employee-used laptops is encrypted and secure .
If we ever face a scenario when we must demonstrate that a particular compromised device was encrypted , this essential security layer grants us definitive proof . When it comes to the SEC , or other regulators , we have eliminated grey areas using these provable security measures .
Within six months of implementing the new encryption and access control strategy , we also tapped into the
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