Intelligent CIO North America Issue 36 | Page 69

INTELLIGENT BRANDS // Green Technology

Equinix on course to be ‘ climate neutral ’ by 2030

The Equinix FY22 Annual Sustainability Report shows the company on course for climate neutral operations by 2030 .

Climate neutral operations by that year are the key goal of the company ’ s Future First strategy , focusing on issues that have the greatest impact on customers and key stakeholders .
Equinix , pitched as the world ’ s largest digital infrastructure company , has released the report which outlines progress toward the company ’ s key environmental , social and governance ( ESG ) goals .
Focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals ( UNSDGs ) that are most aligned with its business – Industry , Innovation & Infrastructure ; Climate Action ; Affordable & Clean Energy ; Decent Work & Economic Growth ; Reduced Inequalities and Gender Equality – Future First is driven by its resolve to set ambitious targets , measure and transparently report progress , lead with ethics and integrity and engage with stakeholders to drive change .
Most notably , Equinix has extended its industry leadership by achieving 96 % renewable energy coverage of its operational load for 2022 , marking the fifth consecutive year with over 90 % renewable energy coverage , reflecting a 10 % year-over-year increase in procurement of renewables on a GWh-basis .
The company continues to make significant progress on its sustainability goals across all areas , including :
• Achieved the highest ranking of the CDP ’ s prestigious 2022 Climate Change A List for the first time
• Made progress toward its goal of engaging 66 % of its suppliers by qualified emissions to set a Science- Based Target ( SBT ) by 2025 , with 17 % of Scope 3 emissions now covered by supplier-set targets
• Became the first digital infrastructure company to commit to optimizing operating temperature ranges within its data centers to improve efficiency and power usage effectiveness ( PUE )
Launched the Equinix Foundation with a financial contribution of $ 50 million aimed at advancing digital inclusion globally – from providing access to technology and connectivity , to fostering the development of the skills needed to thrive in a digitally driven environment .
• Continued progress toward the company ’ s aspirational five-year diversity goals , including a 13 % increase in the number of women employees globally as well as a 20 % increase in Black / African American employees in the US in the last year
• Achieved a 37 % increase in employee volunteering globally , tracking 22,760 employee volunteer hours across the regions
• Recognized for the second year in a row by the CDP for its supplier engagement practices
• Became one of the first digital infrastructure companies to tie executive compensation to ESG performance by implementing a modifier to short-term incentives for VP-level employees and above including executive officers . As part of this initiative , the company aims to hold its leaders accountable for achieving both environmental and diversity objectives
• Increased diverse representation on the corporate Board of Directors with three out of the four most recent additions self-identified as women and / or ethnically diverse
“ We believe the opportunity for our company remains strong as we continue to see our customers look to Platform Equinix as a key partner in advancing their Digital Transformation agenda – sustainably .
“ We are proud of what we ’ ve achieved thus far and look forward to continuing to make further progress in 2023 and beyond as we press our competitive advantage ,” said Keith Taylor , Chief Financial Officer , Equinix . p
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