Intelligent CIO North America Issue 39 | Page 38


‘‘ business

It is vital not only for employees , but for businesses , to ensure that they are adequately protected when using public Wi-Fi .
“ Endpoint is all about using a good antivirus software and keep pushing automatic updates to it .
“ Application security is the second layer of defence , let ’ s say that the endpoint or your employee ’ s computer does get compromised , so the chance of malware infecting your company infrastructure is high .
“ This is where putting your applications behind a WAAP becomes critical . That way , even in case of a compromise , the WAAP blocks attacks and protects the infrastructure and applications .”
It is vital not only for employees , but for businesses , to ensure that they are adequately protected when using public Wi-Fi . There are numerous methods you can use to do so .
• Turn off the auto-connect Wi-Fi setting , as this can automatically connect you to open access public networks nearby that may not be secure and can leave you vulnerable to attack .
• Utilise a VPN ( Virtual Private Network ), as this can help ensure your data isn ’ t visible to hackers as it goes through the network you are on .
• Ensure anti-virus software is installed on your device – it has the ability to detect malware that may find its way into your system whilst using the public network . The software will issue an alert to any viruses , suspicious activity or attack .
• Perform gray box DAST scans on all your web and mobile applications so that you know the exact risk when the admin or user credentials get compromised . Once you understand the risks , mitigate them on code .
• Implement a WAAP solution so that when your employee ’ s endpoint gets compromised , the attacks that originate out of that compromised endpoint get blocked at the WAAP . p
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