Intelligent CIO North America Issue 49 | Page 21

Read on to learn how you can modernize your IT to support digital business in 5 steps .
Step 1
Realign your IT environment for consistency
Complex , disparate IT environments based on proprietary solutions often require more time , energy , and budget to manage .
Inconsistent platforms and processes hinder growth and demand reactive maintenance . Additionally , supporting multiple platforms increases training , support , and operational budget requirements .
Deploying a standardized operating environment ( SOE ) will help you create consistency across your organization . With a consistent platform at the core of your SOE , you can achieve the efficiencies needed to reduce costs and accelerate IT while effectively supporting new technologies and approaches , including hybrid and multicloud connectivity , cloudnative development , and containerized deployments .
Benefits of standardizing
Deploying a standardized IT platform across your organization delivers many benefits , including the ability to :
• Automate error-prone manual tasks .
• Centralize and streamline system life cycle management .
• Manage license use and subscription agreement compliance .
• Streamline software installation , upgrades , and patching .
• Increase the portability of existing internal skills .
• Improve focus on security .
• Decrease shadow IT . p
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