TRENDING operations , improving data privacy and security , optimising where apps and data live and preparing for technologies like AI .
The report found the adoption of hybrid multicloud varied significantly from across sub sectors , with public education leading the way , while federal and state governments lagged .
“ Much like other industries , public sector organisations are eager to modernise their IT infrastructure and lay the foundation to adopt new technologies to deliver better services and experiences for constituents ,” said Greg O ’ Connell , Sr . Director Sales , Public Sector , Nutanix . “ In fact , 80 % of the public sector said they expect to increase their investments in AI technology in the next year .”
Public sector survey respondents were asked about their current cloud challenges , how they ’ re running business and mission critical applications today , and where they plan to run them in the future . Key findings from this year ’ s report include :
• Hybrid multicloud deployments lag behind other industries . The vast majority of both public sector organisations ( 85 %) and all sectors ( 90 %) agreed that their organisations now embrace cloudsmart IT deployment strategies . However , just 8 % of global public sector organisations reported using a hybrid multicloud approach .
• When public sector organisations are investing in IT infrastructure , protection from ransomware is the primary driver . Respondents in the public sector most often chose the infrastructure ’ s ability to protect against ransomware and other malware as their single top priority ( 17 %). This factor was followed by the infrastructure ’ s performance / response time potential ( 15 %) and its ability to allow IT to flexibly move workloads across private and public cloud platforms ( 14 %).
• Security and compliance are the biggest drivers of application relocation and the top priority for CIO / CTOs , as public sector organisations recover from high rates of ransomware attacks . The vast majority of ECI respondents – 92 % in the public sector group and 95 % globally – said they had moved one or more applications to a different IT environment in the past 12 months . The ramp-up of moving workloads to best support each application ’ s requirements is
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