USA leading the charge on AI investment
Stats from AIPRM show US has spent some $ 328,548m on AI in the last five years .
AI investments are predicted to approach $ 200 billion globally by 2025 .
So , which countries have invested the most in AI between 2019 to 2023 ?
The US invests the most in AI , with $ 328,548 million spent in the last five years – $ 67,911 million in 2023 alone , a 65.94 % increase from that of 2019 .
China places second with $ 132,665 million spent on AI between 2019 to 2023 – around 60 % less than the United States .
The country ’ s investment in AI has been slowing down since 2019 , totalling $ 15,071 million in 2023 – about a third less than their spending in 2019 .
AI statistics from AIPRM compared the investment of countries to find out who is leading the way in AI investment .
In third place is the United Kingdom with a $ 25,541 million investment across the same period – almost 1 3 times less than the US by comparison .
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