Intelligent CIO North America Issue 51 | Page 45

CIO OPINION secondary infrastructure . This ensures that an identical copy of your critical data and applications is already present on the secondary infrastructure if that infrastructure is suddenly called into service .
Also , the HA solution constantly monitors the primary infrastructure so that , should the primary infrastructure suddenly appear to go dark , the HA solution can instantly trigger an orchestrated failover to the secondary infrastructure .
Because there are already complete copies of your critical applications and databases on that secondary infrastructure , you can continue to run your applications with minimal interruption and your personnel or customers can continue to interact with these business-critical resources .
As you might imagine , your security systems are going to take notice of any HA solution that tries monitor , stop or start activities on your critical infrastructure .
Unless your IT teams understand what your HA solution is doing and what your security systems are doing , one or the other is not going to work as effectively as you expect it to . That can leave you vulnerable to the very problems that both your HA and security solutions are designed to prevent .
The interplay of HA and security solutions
Consider the interplay of antivirus and HA solutions . Some HA solutions monitor a wide range of activities taking place on the active infrastructure , and they are
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