Intelligent CIO North America Issue 54 | Page 42


COMPANIES ARE STARTING TO VIEW DATA AS AN ASSET ITSELF AND THEREFORE AN AVENUE FOR MONETISATION , SELLING THEIR DATA TO COMPETITORS . look closer at an organisations data , we see the quality is poor , it is not contextualised or there is information missing .

Many think everything should be solved with the same standardised solutions . For example , the idea that GenAI should be solving all the problems in the world when it doesn ’ t and can ’ t . We need to see where it fits well and helps , and where it doesn ’ t .
What is your view of cross-partner / company / customer data sharing for insights and innovation ?
US are investing millions in new technology , but don ’ t get the results they expect because technology itself doesn ’ t solve the problem . You need to understand how you extract data from that technology . At Radix , we don ’ t develop technology , we work with technology ; we apply technology to our clients to maximise its usefulness .
Insufficient data is also a barrier . Companies don ’ t have the data they think they do . Often , when we
I see two opposing trends developing depending on the industry . For example , companies in the oil and gas upstream market typically invest together and share ownership of the assets and consequentially share the data . There are obvious benefits to cross-company sharing as large , representative data gives more accurate insights for organisations .
However , there is also a trend emerging , especially in the US , where organisations are becoming very strict on data protection . Companies are starting to view
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