LATEST INTELLIGENCE outlined several key pillars to a winning digital strategy for 2021 , and how low-code can bolster your strategy by making your company ’ s digital transformation faster , easier , and more flexible .
Every journey needs a plan – however rough it may be to begin with – while every plan needs some degree of imagination to kick it off . To enact a digital strategy , a business must first imagine what this new strategy impacts in the grand scheme of things . Asking questions like “ how will this strategy impact company culture ?” or “ how will it impact customer perception ?” are important in outlining a digital transformation .
To begin , outline any business goals and customer expectations that define the company and drive it forward . Going digital can have its risks as well as benefits , so it ’ s important to ensure that a digital strategy won ’ t negatively impact any core capabilities of the company . With all of this in mind , the next step is to divide the strategy into smaller steps ; this will make it easier to determine potential bottlenecks , assess limitations , and tackle larger challenges along the way . In short , even the most brilliant digital strategy requires some degree of maneuverability when bringing it to life .
Assessing all the relevant factors ( cost , new requirements , job openings ), planning around challenges , and breaking the process into smaller parts will make the strategy more clear and will allow a business to act upon it proactively . p
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