Intelligent CIO North America Issue 18 | Page 75

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Rob Faraj , Co-Founder of Kubecost , an open-source tool delivering Kubernetes cost monitoring and management at scale , outlines the best practices for implementing Kubernetes cost monitoring .

Kubernetes overspend is an easy trap to fall into , given the simplicity of provisioning costly resources such as GPUs and through the use of tools like cluster autoscaling to provision resources programmatically .

Particularly as Kubernetes scales ( and particularly in multi-tenant environments ), small oversights and bugs can quickly result in larger-than-necessary bills . To get a sense of how big , the recent and firstof-its-kind FinOps for Kubernetes Report put out by the Cloud-Native Computing Foundation ( CNCF ) is worth reading .
The cultural shift of having people outside of finance caring about costs , is important .
accountability can rapidly yield meaningful savings . Making developers more cognizant of the resources they utilize boosts not just cost efficiency , but productivity and security as well .
Cost monitoring methods
On a more positive note , software engineers naturally reduce Kubernetes spending simply by having insights into the spend . The cultural shift of having people outside of finance caring about costs , is important . Sensible cost monitoring processes and
Even small steps for software engineers toward monitoring Kubernetes costs have a swift and beneficial impact on budgets . With more robust showback or chargeback methods and enforcement mechanisms that emphasize team accountability ,
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