Intelligent CIO North America Issue 18 | Page 76

t cht lk organizations can further optimize infrastructure and realize greater savings .

t cht lk organizations can further optimize infrastructure and realize greater savings .

Let ’ s take a look at these cost monitoring methods :
• Limited cost monitoring – One or more centralized teams ( such as DevOps or finance ) manage Kubernetes costs by responding to spending once they receive the bill each month , addressing any issues contributing to unnecessary costs . This method is best suited to organizations with less advanced environments and two or fewer applications engineering teams . However , organizations with larger multi-tenant environments would likely find this method unsustainable .
• Showback – Under this model , a crossorganization accounting process accurately tracks the Kubernetes and cloud spending that each team or business unit is responsible for . This detailed cost breakdown is shared directly with the responsible teams to help them understand their spend , enabling more proactive resource management . This method ( like chargebacks , which I ’ ll get to below ) is more appropriate for larger organizations with three or more applications engineering teams and 20 or more engineers .
• Chargeback – The chargeback method goes beyond showbacks to actually require teams and business units to pay the Kubernetes and cloud costs they ’ re responsible for out of their budgets . To introduce chargebacks effectively , an organization must first achieve broad cultural buyin to the importance of controlling these costs .
• Hybrid cost monitoring – With this method , teams only pay for resource usage that surpasses pre-set spending limitations . Alternatively , teams can be charged for certain specific resources only . Similar to chargebacks , this method also takes complete buy-in across an organization to succeed .
Best practices for implementing Kubernetes cost monitoring
1 . Work up to a chargeback strategy
A holistic understanding of cloud costs and fair expectations can ’ t be built in a day . It ’ s not unusual for teams ’ initial spending reviews to include a series of surprises . Going straight to a chargeback strategy would only foster resentment for team leaders , who need time to understand the costs they ’ re now more acutely responsible for ( and how to control them ).
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