Greater risk to research data
At a typical research hospital , researchers will apply for grants from government agencies and / or private institutions . While grants are awarded for a particular project and researcher , the funding typically belongs to the facility where the research is being done .
In most cases , the resulting data from the project also belongs to the research hospital – while the researcher gets credit for the work and has access to data while employed by the institution .
For researchers , getting credit is usually the most important factor . While there are instances where a researcher may pre-arrange some kind of shared usage rights or ownership of project data by written agreement , it ’ s much more common for facilities to maintain sole ownership of the research being done by their employees .
What sometimes happens , though , is that a researcher makes a name for themselves and gets lured away to another facility . On their way out the door , they may want to take some project files with them – even though those materials explicitly belong to the institution they ’ re leaving . I ’ ve actually seen this firsthand . I was part of a security team when a researcher tried to take their data with them when they left and the organization objected .
Research shows that healthcare has already lost an estimated 20 % of its workforce over the past two years . This turnover is happening top-tobottom throughout organizations .
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