Becky Bobzien – Simms , CRO , Federated Wireless
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Becky Bobzien – Simms , CRO , Federated Wireless
wWhat would you describe as your most memorable achievement ?
Hands-down , the commercialization of our SAS ( Spectrum Access System ) in September 2019 . Our SAS is the engine that enables dynamic access to CBRS spectrum and ultimately empowers our visionary partners to do more with their wireless networks – really achieving what was once thought impossible . Federated Wireless was at the forefront of bringing CBRS access to broader industry and being able to ring that bell to say , we have a commercialized tool available today , right now , that ’ s FCC – certified – that was a tremendous team accomplishment .
What first made you think of a career in technology ?
history and foreign language in college , and that opened my eyes to the importance of not just bringing technology forward and innovating but contextualizing and crystallizing the value of that innovation to our customers . On top of delivering above and beyond our SLAs , of course .
What style of management philosophy do you employ with your current position ?
Transparency in our business and in how I like to work and operate . I never want anyone guessing about my expectations or standards and I am an open book about how to best to achieve on my team . I always joke with my team that if they don ’ t know my favorite football team , we haven ’ t spent enough time together . We just get that close .
I ’ ve been in program and operations management in the telecommunications industry my entire career . Overseeing engineering and ops teams to do network provisioning is my bread and butter . You simply can ’ t separate tech and innovation from this industry . Just look at the last year alone . 5G went from being the most heralded technology out there to being something we ’ re actively deploying for numerous customers across industries . I studied
I always joke with my team that if they don ’ t know my favorite football team , we haven ’ t spent enough time together .
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