Intelligent CIO North America Issue 44 | Page 8


Nokia and Zayo achieve new North American distance record for 800Gb / s transmission on live network

modular transport platform equipped with production-ready DMAT6 line cards .
The 800Gb / s transmission represents a tripling in reach over current 7nm solutions and sets a new North American distance record over a live network . In addition , the 1Tb / s transmission between LA and Phoenix over 150GHz WDM channels shows the ability to reach even higher capacity per wavelength on high-traffic routes .
Zayo currently pitches the largest and most modern 400G network in North America with over 250 points of presence ( PoPs ), covering the most in-demand centers .

Nokia and Zayo have successfully completed a live field trial of Nokia ’ s sixth-generation Photonic Service Engine supercoherent optics ( PSE-6s ) – demonstrating a North American transmission record of 800Gb / s over a single wavelength from LA to El Paso on a 1866km link .

The companies also achieved a 1 Tb / s transmission on Zayo ’ s LA to Phoenix route over 1004km – also using the Nokia PSE-6s . The trial used Nokia ’ s PSE-6s implemented in the 1830 PSI-M compact
Aaron Werley , Vice President of Technology , Zayo , said : “ The infrastructure projects we have , and continue to complete to advance connectivity between key cities , involves the deployment of new 800G and higher-speed routes .”
James Watt , Head of Nokia ’ s Optical business , said : “ With the PSE- 6s , the Nokia optical portfolio pushes the limits of super-coherent performance to deliver massive network scale and service reach while ensuring more sustainable growth .”

Sridhar Ramaswamy named new CEO of Snowflake

Sridhar Ramaswamy , Snowflake ’ s Senior

Vice President of AI , steps up as new CEO with Frank Slootman confirming his retirement in the role . the secure , scalable and cost-effective data foundation and cutting-edge AI building blocks they need to build for the future ,” said Ramaswamy .
Slootman will continue to serve as Chairman of the Board .
“ I am honored to have been chosen to lead the company into this next chapter of growth .”
“ As the leading cloud data platform , Snowflake is at the epicenter of the AI revolution ,” said Slootman .
“ There is no better person than Sridhar to lead Snowflake into this next phase of growth and deliver on the opportunity ahead in AI and Machine Learning . He is a visionary technologist with a proven track record of running and scaling successful businesses .”
Ramaswamy said : “ In the last 12 years , Frank and the entire team have established Snowflake as the leading cloud data platform that is providing enterprises with
Sridhar Ramaswamy , CEO , Snowflake
Since joining Snowflake in May 2023 with the company ’ s acquisition of Neeva , Ramaswamy has been spearheading Snowflake ’ s AI strategy .
He led the launch of Snowflake Cortex , Snowflake ’ s new fully managed service that makes AI simple and secure for all users to quickly drive business value .
Prior to joining Snowflake , Ramaswamy co-founded Neeva in 2019 after 15 years at Google as an integral part of the growth of AdWords and Google ’ s advertising business from $ 1.5 billion to over $ 100 billion .
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