Intelligent CIO North America Issue 44 | Page 9


AT & T deploys Ericsson Cloud RAN on 5G commercial network

In future , third-party vendors will be able to use this configuration for Open RAN .
Chris Sambar , Head of Network , AT & T , said : “ This is the next milestone in AT & T ’ s Open RAN journey . By moving traffic to cloud RAN sites , we ’ re accelerating our c-band deployment and continuing to virtualize our network . The open network future is coming fast and we ’ re looking forward to seeing the innovation that it brings for our customers .”
Fredrik Jejdling , Executive Vice President and Head of Networks , Ericsson , said : “ This progress in our collaboration with AT & T shows our commitment to supporting their Open RAN ambition .”

AT & T is deploying Ericsson Cloud RAN technology on its commercial 5G network . The two companies have completed a Cloud RAN call as a milestone in deploying Open RAN .

AT & T now has commercial traffic flowing on Cloud RAN sites – the first of which are located south of Dallas , Texas .
The configuration used for the Cloud RAN call has been deployed in the AT & T network .
As part of the live deployment , AT & T and Ericsson have migrated one frequency band 3700MHz for their C-Band traffic to Cloud RAN infrastructure .
This is the next step in the ongoing collaboration between AT & T and Ericsson to realize the benefits of Cloud RAN and move AT & T closer to its goal of a fully open , agile , programmable wireless network .
AT & T and Ericsson will continue to implement and optimize new network capabilities in this rapidly evolving RAN cloud-based architecture area .

Boost to US Digital Transformation as FCC authorizes AFC systems for the 6 GHz band

The Federal Communications Commission ( FCC ) has authorized

Automatic Frequency Coordination ( AFC ) systems in the 6 GHz band to enable standard power devices to access 850 MHz of spectrum and support a wide range of enterprise and consumer broadband services .
First to congratulate the FCC on the decision was the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance ( DSA ) which said , as a result , Digital Transformation across a range of enterprise and consumer use cases within the US will be achieved .
“ The FCC ’ s decision to leverage dynamic spectrum sharing technology and capabilities to manage access to the 6 GHz band by standard power devices will ensure increased range , faster speeds and improved capacity of unlicensed operations – full deployment of standard power 6 GHz Wi-Fi in the United States will become a reality ,” said DSA President Martha Suarez .
“ It has been a long process , but the DSA is delighted with the outcome and applauds the FCC for making this crucial step ”.
The decision follows the public notice that was published by the FCC ’ s Office of Engineering and Technology in August 2023 . This laid out the lab testing and the required public trials for AFC systems in the 6 GHz band . Now these AFC systems have successfully passed the testing phase , they have been approved for full commercial operations .
The approval of the AFC systems aligns with the United States ’ National Spectrum Strategy , which was announced in November 2023 .
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