Intelligent CIO North America Issue 51 | Page 59

CASE STUDY includes 17 sustainable development goals designed to transform the world and ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities by 2030 , with an emphasis on employment and education .
About Lighthouse Works
And in June 2025 , the European Accessibility Act takes full effect , which was introduced by the European Union to help businesses improve the market for accessible products and services and drive increased job opportunities for disabled people .
Lighthouse Works is a business solutions outsourcer employing hundreds of team members across the United States , with more than half having varying degrees of visual impairment .
Kyle Johnson , CEO and President , Lighthouse Works , said : “ We introduced EquiVista in partnership with Genesys to help level the playing field for the visually impaired workforce .
“ With this technology , organisations have a massive opportunity to increase their impact and contribute to a more equitable world by providing more inclusive workplace environments and career advancement opportunities for this underrepresented population .”
Chris Lewis , a telecoms industry and accessibility analyst and founding director of Lewis Insight , said : “ We ’ re on the cusp of AI development that will remove technology and business barriers .
“ The partnership between Genesys and Lighthouse Works is a great example of opening up employment and customer experience opportunities for many formerly excluded individuals .”
Olivier Jouve , Chief Product Officer , Genesys , said : “ Technology has a powerful role to play in aiding disabled people . The Genesys Cloud platform was designed to be flexible and empower organisations to adapt it to the needs of their business , making what ’ s possible in the employee and customer experience limitless .”
With an agent churn rate more than five times lower than the industry average , the company was responsible for 6 out of 10 new jobs created among National Industries for the Blind ( NIB ) and NIB-associated agencies in 2023 .
This success is built on an integration between the Genesys Cloud platform and Jobs Access with Speech ( JAWS ) screen reading software that creates more efficient workflows through automation , and the development of EquiVista .
In helping to create life changing opportunities for the blind and visually impaired , this partnership between Lighthouse Works and Genesys is a testament of what can be achieved when empathy is at the heart of the experience .”
Committed to using its products for the betterment of others , Genesys has a goal to touch over 100 million lives of people in need each year by helping nonprofits use its products for good by 2030 .
All proceeds from purchases of EquiVista will go directly to Lighthouse Works in support of blind and visually impaired career opportunities . p
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