EDITOR ’ S QUESTION context and recommendations for next steps , directly from Slack and Microsoft Teams .
• PagerDuty Advance for Status Updates : Enables teams to generate an audience-specific status update draft in seconds , shortening communication cycles so they can focus on faster resolution .
• PagerDuty Advance for Automation Digest : This feature generates a draft summary of the most important results from running Automation Action jobs in one place , empowering responders to make more informed decisions .
• AI Generated Runbooks : Accelerates automation development and deployment by generating suggested runbook automations via manually engineered prompts or using preengineered prompts as a starting point .
• PagerDuty Advance for Postmortems : Automatically collects and collates incident data ( logs , metrics , Slack conversations ) to suggest how it happened , in what order , why , and what could prevent it in the future .
More than two years ago , we talked about recognizing customers as a key signal of the health of your digital assets . Since then , we ’ ve broken down many silos and seen customer service become the hero of resilient operations . However , ever-escalating complexity has made it hard for organizations to see how far they ’ ve come .
While we can ’ t predict everything that could go wrong , we know that eventually something will . Organizations must reduce the frequency and severity of major incidents to improve business continuity and digital operations resiliency .
When every minute of downtime equals business cost , providing a more reliable customer experience is mission-critical . Leveraging generative AI to assist teams in triaging , communicating , and reporting problems faster will make lighter work of your toughest , most complex customer service challenges . p
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